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It is very important that our classes, play dates, and other activities are inclusive of all students of every age and abilities. We do not divide up kids based on birthdays. This group focuses on the benefits of learning experiences which combine smaller class sizes, hands-on projects with families that share the common desire to acknowledge different learning styles, parenting methods and special needs of every child within the group. To us, special needs is an umbrella term used for students who have difficulties with academics, physical, social and emotional issues. Think of it as an old fashion one-room schoolhouse where kids of all ages and grades share the same learning space.


Imaginative, interactive, student-led play, functions as the major means by which children...

(1) develop interests and competencies;

(2) learn how to make decisions, solve problems, exert self-control, and follow rules;

(3) learn to regulate their emotions;

(4) make friends and learn to get along with others as equals; and

(5) experience joy.

Through all of these effects, play promotes mental health. (Gray, Peter. "The Decline of Play and the Rise of Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents" American Journal of Play, volume 3, number 4.)

Curiosity and Creativity

These traits are synonymous with self-motivation. Human beings are naturally curious and simply need to be allowed to indulge their curiosity. Through play and exploration, young people learn the most essential skills which prepare them for their dreams and aspirations. Play and experimentation in a real-world environment are essential for child development. Playful states of mind enhance learning, creativity, and problem-solving.

Open Discussion and Exploration

Students have the time and space to play and explore their world within a safe and tolerant community. They can practice all the essential activities of childhood such as making friends, playing, exploring ideas and various materials, overcoming boredom, learning from mistakes, and developing passions. In fact, Sudbury schools are often full of impassioned debate. And why wouldn't they be? There is no censorship.

Humans are social creatures and interpersonal communication is an essential life skill. Children are free to converse and discuss freely and openly.

A Culture of Trust and Equality (AKA Freedom from Fear)

Unlike most homeschooling groups, a Homeschooler’s in Action is a true community. It thrives from the participation of parents and knowledgeable citizens.

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